Reasons you are not attractive to people [clickbait]
They have less to do with your facial aesthetics or bank balance
- You don’t dress sharply enough
This does not mean you put on expensive clothes like your favorite celebrity every time you step out of the house. It means you put some effort into making sure that your clothes are the right fit and suit your own personality, not the personality of Kim Kardashian or Gordon Ramsay or Karan Johar.
2. Your body language shows a lack of mission and purpose in life
This can be hugely improved if you DO have a greater mission and purpose in your life. A mission is NOT you thinking about doing laundry by the weekend or getting groceries today. It encompasses the purpose of your whole life’s existence and making a dent in this universe.
And remaining can be improved by lifting weights and correcting your posture, if wrong.
3. Your communication is never ‘to-the-point’
You always beat around the bush and this shows lack of honesty and trust-worthiness. If you are sure about something, do not hesitate to put it across clearly. People who stutter or are always at a lack of words are attractive only in Disney movies, not real life.
Also, people who overstate things and use many more words than necessary or much more time than actually required are often regarded as dumbos (not a Disney reference).
4. You are an open book to everyone
You do not have an air of mystery around you. You vomit everything about yourself out to anyone and everyone the second you open your mouth. You drain people’s energy by your garbage talks and remind them of their silly and irritating neighbor.
People are attracted to those who they cannot ‘classify’ into pre-arranged boxes of personalities. Even if you don’t have much going on in your life, by choosing your words carefully, appear as though there is. Fake it till you make it has some truth to it afterall.
5. You are a pushover and too much concerned with your self image
People find it too easy to manipulate you and make you do things as per their liking and you being the person who is always afraid to come across as rude will gladly do anything to appear a ‘good, kind-hearted, humble’ human being. And people really do hate those who they can easily control. So don’t be a cow(ard).
6. You are, well, physically in bad shape!
No, dad bods are not hot. And body positivity is just a pathetic excuse to consume way more calories than you actually need. You hardly go to gym or practice any form of body exercises regularly.
‘Laziness’ is your personality and a fat pig is your spirit animal. And pigs really don’t attract people in a zoo or in general.